Produce Spotlight: Figs!

Hello all and Happy Friday! Next week’s bins are full of special produce coming directly from some of our favorite farmers! One item we’d like to shed some light on this week is the fig! A hot sale item, the Black Mission Figs have made it to the menu after popular demand. Let’s go a little deeper.

History: Thought to be the sweetest fruit, figs are also one of the oldest fruits recognized by man. It’s no wonder the fig has been enjoyed for centuries. Its sweet, delicious flesh, long used as a sweetener before the advent of refined sugars, enhances both savory dishes and desserts.

The recorded history of the fig industry begins with its introduction into the Mediterranean outside Asia, and particularly into Greece. Some of the earliest Greek reportings of figs are in mythological literature. According to Greek mythology, Zeus was pursuing Ge and her son, Sykeus, In the war of the Titans when, to save him, she metamorphosed into a fig tree. The ancient city of Sykea is named for this myth. The use of figs among early Greeks paralleled their rise in the literature: when mention of figs was infrequent in the literature, fresh figs were a luxury of the rich. Later, when references were common, figs had become an important dietary staple, particularly dried figs during winter months.

Nutritional Facts

  • The rich potassium content of figs helps to maintain the blood pressure of the body.
  • Figs are rich in dietary fiber, which makes them very effective for weight management program.
  • Even leaves of the fig plant have healing properties. Eating fig leaves helps diabetic patients reduce the amount of insulin intake.
  • Consuming figs helps to reduce the risk of breast cancer.
  • Calcium and potassium present in figs prevent bone thinning and help to promote bone density.
  • Tryptophan, present in figs, induces good sleep and helps get rid of sleeping disorders like insomnia.
  • Eating figs relieves fatigue and boosts memory power.
  • Drinking fig juice helps to soothe irritated bronchial passages.
  • Consumption of figs with milk cures illness like anemia.
  • Due to their laxative effect, figs are helpful for treating chronic constipation.
  • Daily consumption of soaked figs (2-3) is an effective remedy for curing hemorrhoids or piles.
  • The soluble fiber, called pectin, in figs helps in reducing blood cholesterol.
  • When applied on skin, baked figs can cure inflammations like abscesses and boils.
  • Due to their high water content, mashed figs act as a very good skin cleanser and help in preventing and curing acnes and pimples.
  • Figs are rich in calcium and are excellent calcium alternatives for people who are allergic to dairy products.
  • Consuming figs also helps in aiding digestion and taming various stomach and bowel-related problems.
  • The juice obtained from green figs is effective for softening and treating corns.
  • Figs promote the overall well-being of an individual and are excellent aphrodisiacs.
Some Excellent Fig Recipes – Yummy!

Fig Spice Cake


Fig and Arugula Salad


Fig and Olive Tapenade


Fig and Pancetta Salad


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