Produce Report: Green Goodness…and more Peppers!

Hello all and Happy Monday! What’s the best part of Monday? Well, a whole new menu at New Roots, of course! In all seriousness, this week’s menu is full of more delicious organic goodies. Just take a look:

Welcome back broccoli!

Back and looking fabulous, this week’s broccoli is just beautiful! We are so excited to have broccoli back this week. These little “trees” are easy, delicious, and loved by so many. Not to mention, it is very versatile. Throw it in any savory dish – from creamy to tart – for added nutrition, a splash of color, and a great subtle flavor. Broccoli is one of the very low calorie vegetables; provide just 34 calories per 100 g. It is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that have proven health benefits.

Try broccoli like this!

Crunchy, firm, gorgeous green celery

What is better than celery and peanut butter? Well, celery and just about any dip! Celery is a great snack throughout the day and a great way to stay healthy! Celery has blood pressure reducing properties. It contains active phthalides, which relax the muscles of the arteries that regulate blood pressure so the vessels dilate. Phthalides also reduce stress hormones, which can cause blood vessels to constrict.

Did you know? A recipe uncovered in Pompeii for a celery dessert called for roasting chopped celery in an oven and serving it with honey and ground pepper.

Rainbow Chard

Rainbow Chard is back this week and is truly stunning! If its beautiful colors don’t make you an instant fan, try cooking these! They are hearty and full of flavor. Chard is also one of those awesomely powerful veggies, packed with nutrients. Chard is, in fact, considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables available and a valuable addition to a healthy diet (like other green leafy vegetables).

Aren’t sure how to cook Rainbow Chard? Take a try at these!

Mini Red Peppers

In Carolyn’s words, “Cause when they look that nice, we have to keep buying them!” Mini red peppers continue to grace us with their deliciousness. And did you know, they contain more vitamin C than an orange? stay healthy this flu season and snack on these!

What will you be cooking this week? Share your recipes and photos on our Facebook page!

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