Produce Report: Apples, asparagus, bell peppers

Hello all! We hope your week is going well. This week’s produce came in looking great both today and yesterday. You may have noticed, we had one change we had to make to our menu this week…unfortunately, artichokes couldn’t make it in time, so we added asparagus instead. No worries, however. Asparagus is a pretty awesome veggie.

Asparagus has so many health benefits, it should be added to the healthy diet. Asparagus is great as a detox vegetable, and an anti-aging vegetable.  It can detoxify your system, can protect against cancer, reduces pain and inflammation, can prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

You may notice some asparagus spears are thick and some are thin. The thick ones are best for roasting or steaming. I find steaming the best and also very quick. The thin spears are ideal for the grill or if you are planning to sauté.

A warehouse favorite, we also received some delicious Pink Lady Apples. They are crisp and sweet, truly one of nature’s candies.

Another beauty this week are the Red Bell Peppers! Full of vitamin C and zest, these peppers are great eaten raw or cooked. Dip them in your favorite dressing or sauté them as a delicious addition to meat, fish, rice or pasta! They are versatile and yummy.

What’s your favorite item this week? Snap a photo of how you like the item prepared and share it on our Facebook page! Do you have any special requests as Spring produce begins to sprout? Please share your ideas on our Facebook wall, on Twitter or contact us directly at the warehouse!



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