New Roots Organics

What Our Customers are saying...
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your service. I have been a customer for a number of years and I always look forward to the arrival of the bin. I've learned to cook and enjoy vegetables I'd never purchased before and every now and again something really unique arrives (Purple cauliflower!) You've never disappointed! -Joy Shafer
This Week's Specials
Cabbage, Red
$2.75 ea
Grapes, Green
$0.00 2 lbs
Watermelon, Mini
$3.49 ea
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Beautiful crunchy Purple Cabbage
Golden Griffin Kombucha in single cans from Culture Shock. Made with Pineapple and hops, this one may remind you of a crisp IPA but without the alcohol
Green Grapes in 2lb bags for sale!
Chioggia Pink beets! Green Onions!