New Roots Organics
Organic Recipes > Juicing and Smoothies > Cleansing Pineapple, Apple, and Ginger Juice

Cleansing Pineapple, Apple, and Ginger Juice (Serves )
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Ginger root has a slew of health benefits ranging from high in antioxidants to being used as a natural remedy for motion sickness or nausea. Ginger is also great for stimulating and aiding in digestion by breaking down food so that nutrients can be absorbed quicker. Pineapple and apples also have wonderful cleansing properties, especially if you are feeling sick, as they are packed with vitamin C and magnesium. Vitamin C helps to support your immune system with antioxidants, while magnesium is essential for muscle and nerve function. Basically, just what the doctor ordered this fall season!

3/4 small pineapple
1 1/2 apples
1/4 piece of a thumb of ginger

  1. Simply wash and chop the pineapple, apples and ginger and put into your juicer to be juiced. Store in an airtight container (mason jar) and enjoy for the next 3 days!

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