Produce Report: Strawberries and more!

Hello all and happy Monday. We are fully into spring and our produce is a reflection of it. We have some awesome favorites. Take a look..


With spring comes more delicious produce. This includes wonderful strawberries! Sweet, vibrant and ready to eat, these berries are just perfect. Eat them for a refreshing snack or throw them in a salad for the perfect treat.


Zucchini are in the bins and so good! They’s so versatile, too! What’s your favorite zucchini recipe? Try this fabulous dishes!

Local radishes are back

One of our favorite items is back again: local radishes. Radishes are somewhat underrated. They have a refreshing natural flavor and can be an addition to may additions. Like spice but not the aftereffects? Try eating a raw radish after to cool your mouth down!

Bock Choy is back!

Another favorite is returning: baby bock choy! So delicious sautéed with garlic, soy sauce and olive oil, baby bok choy has a great natural flavor and is packed with nutrients. They are a bit more versatile than one may presume. Check out all the ways to cook these up!

 What are planning to cook this week? Share your recipes on our Facebook page!

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