Produce Spotlight: Arugula

Hello all and Happy Friday! Don’t forget to turn you clocks back this weekend for daylight savings. Next week’s bins will provide some really awesome produce. With Autumn comes many delicious and savory greens, including this week’s spotlight item: Arugula.

One of my personal favorites, Arugula provides a distinct peppery flavor, so good additional flavors are not necessary. Try it cooked or raw, Arugula is perfect for these brisk fall nights. But they are not just tasty and versatile; they’re also packed with nutrition. Let’s explore how it came about…

History: According to Gourmet Sleuth, “In Roman times Arugula was grown for both it’s leaves and the seed. The seed was used for flavoring oils.  On another interesting note, Rocket or Arugula seed has been used as an ingredient in aphrodisiac concoctions dating back to the first century, AD. (Cambridge World History of Food).

Part of a typical Roman meal was to offer a salad of greens, frequently Arugula (spelled Arugola), romaine, chicory, mallow and lavender and seasoned with a ‘cheese sauce for lettuce’.”

Nutrition: Just as the Romans did, Arugula is a fantastic lettuce option for salads. And it actually makes your salad even healthier for you! According to Livestrong,  “Arugula is one leafy green vegetable that stands out as a rich source of many vitamins and minerals. Consider the difference between iceberg lettuce and arugula. Arugula contains about eight times the calcium, fives times the vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K, and four times the iron as the same amount of iceberg lettuce. The choice is easy. Start with arugula for a healthier salad!”

The minerals and vitamins in Arugula are also known to help prevent some cancers. Research has repeatedly established the role of cruciferous vegetables in disease prevention. The herb contains various phytochemicals, which play a vital antioxidant role in the body. They help to rid the body of toxins and carcinogens which are responsible for the development of many diseases and cancers (

Let’s Get Cookin! From salads to soups to tops of steaks, check out these fabulous and awe-inspiring recipes!

Feeling inspired to use your Arugula next week? Share your recipes and photos on our Facebook Wall


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