Produce Report: Keeping it Green

Hello all and Happy Tuesday! Apologies for the delayed report. Nonetheless, this week’s produce arrived looking great.  We’d like to take this chance to showcase our local favorites in the bins. 

One of the more versatile vegetables is the radish. You can include them in just about every dish throughout the day. From radish bread to radish salad, there’s a way to make a radish dish all day. And they’re nutritious! The radish is a low calorie vegetable that has no fat or cholesterol and high in dietary fiber. They can make any dish look pretty.

Also coming in looking particularly great is the red chard, from Tom Zimmerman of Glory B Farm in Grays Harbor, WA.  These hearty and delicious greens stood out as soon as they arrived. They are a bit more delicate then the thicker, hardieer leaves that come with winter. Chard is also versatile.  Sauté the leaves with olive oil and garlic for a quick side dish. Add them to omlettes, soups and pastas for easy additional nutrition to your savory meals. You can even chop them very thin and toss into a salad!

Lastly, the asparagus is again gorgeous this week! Perfect long stalks, these bundles look ready to eat! They are excellent on the grill. Shake them in a bag with lemon juice, olive oil, salt, pepper and Parmesan cheese. Grill them until the cheese is melted and almost crunchy for a mouth watering side dish.

Now who’s hungry? We’d love to hear how you’ll be cooking your items from this week’s bins! Share your recipes on our Facebook wall!

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