Produce Report: Celeriac Galore!

Tom Zimmerman, farmer and owner of Glory B Farms, holding this week's celeriac. Look at the size of this root!

Happy Monday New Roots Organics Foodies!

This week’s produce is looking great! Along with the awesome apples we have this week, we are also lucky to have delicious celeriac, also known as celery root, which comes from Glory B Farm in Grays Harbor, WA!

Celeriac can be used in many different ways. It is the perfect addition to soup. stews and casseroles. It can be eaten raw or cooked. See this week’s recipe!

Quick fact: Celeriac is a vegetable with one of the longest culinary histories in Europe and also a healthy choice! It has a very high water content and it’s low in calories and is rich in fiber! It also contains many anti-oxidants and is a great source in vitamin K.

You’ll notice that this celeriac is a little different than what you’ll find in the grocery store. Tom likes to leave the roots and tops attached, because you can actually eat the larger, thicker white roots on the bottom. And the greens attached to the top can be used in soup stock. You just need to trim away the fibrous, smaller, hair like roots.

Tom also brought us several cases of broccoli today. Don’t worry about the thinner stalks! This broccoli is super sweet and tasty! Did you know that you can peel broccoli stalks with a vegetable peeler? Eat the whole thing, not just the florets!

We hope that you all enjoy this week’s produce! We would love to hear your plans with this week’s bin! Share your tips, stories and recipes on our Facebook page. You can also stay up-to-date with all things New Roots Organics on Twitter! As always, if you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to contact us! We love to talk! 🙂

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